2024 - 2025 Budget Forecast
Pack 256 provides information transparently - and one important aspect of this approach is to be open about the budget of the Pack. Pack 256 is fortunate to be able to offset over 50% of the yearly cost of scouting (less camping) for each scout in our Pack. This is done by the generosity of our benefactors, parents and by strategic and purposeful fundraising. In addition - scouts have the ability to offset their expenses even further by participating in fundraising activities. The budget will be updated from time to time - so be sure to check back for updates. For 2024-2025, each Scout pays $120 for 12 months membership in Scouting America and Cub Scout Pack 256. For certain events, such as camping, participants pay a set amount in addition to offset additional costs associated with the event.
Advancements/Awards $2,372.78
Membership $7,884.00
Program/Events $6,101.56
Summer Camp $8,800.00
Total $25,158.34 ($628.96 per Scout)
Fundraising $7,100.00
Participant-paid activities $12,280.00
Other Donations $1,000.00
Annual Dues $4,800.00 ($120.00 per Scout)
Total $25,180.00
Popcorn & Nuts Fundraiser
It's that time of the year again!! The Popcorn and Nuts Sale is our pack's biggest fundraiser and last year was our best year yet, with almost $7,000 in sales! The more we sell, the more we can keep costs to our families down for all of the activities that we do and for all that the pack offers to the scouts.
Below is information for this year’s Popcorn and Nuts Fundraising event that will go from now until Thursday, October 3, 2024 when all orders and money are due as well as sign up information for our show and sells at Lowes, Karns, and Hornungs over the next two weekends! If you have questions regarding any of the below please reach out to our Pack's Popcorn Kernel, Amber Carmo (
There is a lot of important information below so please read through to the end. Remember, your scout isn’t asking friends and family to buy popcorn and nuts, they are asking them to support scouting by buying popcorn and nuts, the majority of the proceeds stay with our local council and our pack.
1. The pack is continuing to provide personal scout accounts this year. Scouts can earn money towards scouting events like pack camping trips, summer camp, camping supplies etc. from their individual popcorn and nut sales. The best part is, your balance can carry forward from one year to the next so if you sold last year and did not use your account you'll be able to add to it this year for even bigger savings! Current scout account balances can be viewed here.
2. Show and Sells - Scouts who participate in these events will earn money towards their individual scout accounts and prizes based on the total sales for the day. We have three show and sell events scheduled:
a. Saturday, Sept. 14th 9am - 1pm: Union Deposit Lowes
b. Sunday, Sept. 15th 9am - 1pm: Lemoyne Karns
c. Saturday, Sept. 21st 8am - 2pm: Hornung's Ace Hardware
There are still plenty of spots available for all three dates. We are especially looking for adults to help with money collection for the early shifts on the 14th and the 21st .Sign up here for a time slot. If all slots are full and your scout would like to participate please e-mail Amber.
3. There are three easy ways to sell this year in addition to the show and sell events.
a. Take Order – Order forms were distributed at the first pack meeting but will also be available at Den meetings and the new parent orientation. You can also contact Amber if you would like to get a set of forms at any other time.These are traditional order form sales. The scout will track orders on the form and collect money (cash or check made out to “Pack 256”).
b. Online Sales – Scout Deliver
i. This is a great option for friends and family to order online and then for your scout to the deliver to them. The product costs are lower than the direct ship online sales and there are no shipping costs. Plus people can pay by credit card!
ii. Go to, after selecting an item the shopper will be prompted to select a unit, our pack is listed as “KC Pack 256,” please provide this information to your friends and family when sharing the link. Finally, make sure they enter your scout’s name to ensure your scout gets credit for the sale.
c. Online Sales – Direct Ship
i. This is an online sales option for family and friends who do not live close enough for scout delivery. This is for Popcorn sales only. If you are interested in participating in online sales, please e-mail Amber and she will set up an online seller ID for your scout. You will then receive more information for sharing this sales opportunity with friends and family.
4. Prizes – This year, scouts will again be able to earn prizes based on their total sales. Prize information is available on the order forms. In addition to these prizes, the Council will be awarding additional prizes to scouts with $650 or more in sales, including Scout Shop Gift Cards, sporting event ticket options, Hersheypark passes, and Amazon Gift Cards.
5. Important Dates
a. Thursday, September 23 – Order Form and Money Collection, during den meetings, Amber will be in the church to collect order forms and money from anyone who would like to turn in their sales early.
b. Thursday, October 3 – Order Forms and Money Due: Amber will be in the parking lot of the church from 7pm - 8pm to collect order forms and money. Look for the Blue Minivan!
c. If your scout has earned a prize, please make sure the scout’s prize selection has been indicated on the order form/money envelope.
d. November 8 – Pack receives popcorn and nuts from Take Order and Scout Deliver sales. The pack will provide distribution information closer to this date. (You'll have your popcorn and nuts before Thanksgiving if you want to use Scout Deliver to deliver to friends and family over the holiday.)
Remember, this is our pack’s primary fundraising event and helps us deliver scout programming at the lowest cost possible to families throughout the year. We appreciate all of our families and thank you for your participation.
Remember, if you have any questions, please contact our Pack’s Popcorn Kernel, Amber Carmo, at or by text at 717-979-4299.
Thank you and happy selling!
Rules / Surveys
Here find various forms for volunteering, upcoming events, etc.
Camping Information
Camping List for Overnights/Tent Camping